Research presenter spotlight: Marilee Vosper

Marilee Vosper was the principal investigator for the “Can You Fail Your Way to Success?” research project. She presented a poster and oral abstract as part of the NAEMSE 2016 PCRF-NAEMSE Educational Research Forum.

While Marilee has a Master’s degree, she was fairly new to research only a few years ago. Marilee heard about the PCRF/Fisdap relationship from colleagues who insisted that research is FUN. “I laugh because I had a little FISDAP button that said ‘I love research!’ on it, and I used to see it and roll my eyes.” Then, Marilee attended the FISDAP - Research Summit for the first time in 2013, and she had a change of heart.

Marilee was a co-author on several projects prior to being a principle investigator, contributing to the scientific base for EMS education. These include: “Diversification in EMS: Are We as Diverse as We Think We Are?”, and “Are You There, Doc? Paramedic Student Team Lead Utilization of MD Consultation”.